2020 screenshots that made me gasp, guffaw, or go for a walk

Jan 14, 2021
Help STOP China JOE
they simply do not
when the NYT has to inform the people about the president’s power
me AF July-August
it is
a necessary lesson (for me)
i screamed
what led to my least favorite social media interaction
a good half-year before 1.6.21
280,000+ deaths later
this just in: the president does not blame Chinese people for blaming themselves
i JUST read that Ahmaud’s murderer wants out of prison because he has high blood pressure. stomach-churning
mother-daughter dancing queens
h e l l o
my nephew’s JACKED
laughed harder at this than any other meme in 2020
snakey beeb
if you HAD to choose
that’s hot
everyone needs a cousin kellie to keep them in the Q-Anon loop
obligatory “biden won” facetime
the most positive word for 2020
mishka is a tongue with a body
stay tuned!

